
to Velomobiel.nl 's website, the company dedicated to development, production, sales and service on velomobiles. Read more at about us...
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We are closed from 26-04 till 04-05 .

What is a velomobile?

velomobiel Snoek

- a human powered vehicle for daily use with a shell for comfort, weather protection and luggage space;

- the aerodynamic shape provides relatively high speed with low physical effort;

- read more about our velomobiles Snoek, Snoek-L, Quatrevelo, Quest, QuestXS and Strada.



- you can find some tutorials on our youtube channel.


Velomobile users

- Our velomobile drivers already booked 35 737 819 km. More about the drivers statistics read here. Take a look at the rider and bike statistics drivers' list;

- want to learn more about drivers and their velomobiles? The drivers' list has a lot of links to private sites and blogs of our customers.

- Did you buy a used velomobile? Register and you book your mileage through drivers settings.


velomobiel onderdelen

- all parts we use to build and maintain our velomobiles can be bought seperately and sent by mail;

- we also sell accessories like stickers, mirror cones, arm rests, t-shirts or wheel alignment tool.